Payment information

All orders are processed via e-mail, please supply the correct item names, amounts, shipping address and preferred payment procedure.

Please pay attention to payment options:

We Accept Payments in Bitcoin & Money Transfer Services like Western Union and Money Gram.  Discount on all Bitcoin payment on wholesale . You can buy Bitcoin with credit card, cash, bank wire transfer and much more.

You can also pay through our integrated system.

Sites to buy bitcoins:
– ( Buy Bitcoins using Visa / Mastercard / Paypal or Skrill) Minimum transfer accepted is $100
– (pay with Visa)
– (pay with Visa/Mastercard)
– (pay with Visa/Mastercard)
– (pay with Visa/Mastercard)


All selling prices at our website are in U.S.D. For your expedience, use a money converter to work out the price of the artefacts in the currency of your attentiveness. Please consider that money converters use default exchange percentages and could be inexact due to money fluctuations. reserves the right to review commodity costs and make alterations without any prior communication. is entitled to cancel an arrangement without any consequence, regardless of the order status, if costs/artifacts were displayed incorrectly at the moment of placing an order due to operational or IT reasons.

We offer 30 days money back guarantee